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1 What system found Plutarco Elías Calles
2 Una de las razones por la que las personas no denuncian las actividades delictivas es que los gángsters famosos pueden ser muy generosos con las comunidades donde operan
3 Who formed the national leugue for the defense of Religious freedom
4 Was the first stable presidency since the Mexican Revolution began in 1910
5 Individuos y grupos que tienen una relación continua y se ganan la vida por medio de una variedad de actividades delictivas clandestinas y lucrativas
6 Who rose up in arms but he was defeated and forced into exile
7 Existe una idea errónea de que al menos algunos delitos son delitos sin víctimas. Los delitos impactan a todos en una comunidad, ya sea directa o indirectamente. Cada vez que se comete un delito, existe una víctima
8 The guerrillas were calmed because Who murdered
9 He travel througout the country to understand the needs of the population
10 Venustiano Carranza endorsed ignacio Bonilla, this led to a rupture between Carranza and Álvaro Obregón
11 established a presidential regime in Mexico, as in much it reserved to the Executive a wide set of faculties and prerogatives with respect to the other powers
12 Las leyes se hacen cumplir por igual y los infractores son sancionados mediante procedimientos y castigos establecidos. Recuerde el debido proceso legal
13 Álvaro Obregón become president with the help of what group
14 Who was also interested in promoting artistic developments that created a narrative of Mexico's history and the Mexican Revolution
15 Who died in 1923
16 Was an uprising and counter-revolution against the anti-Catholic Mexican government of the time, specially during Obregon and Calles presidencies
17 When the Bucareli Treaty was signed that clarified the rights of the Mexican government and U.S. oil interests and brought U.S. diplomatic recognition to his government
18 Es la forma en que las personas se comportan normal o habitualmente en situaciones específicas, por lo general por la tradición
19 La violación de un empleo o deber oficial, responsabilidad pública o puesto de confianza para un beneficio personal (por ejemplo, solicitar dinero, favores, trato especial u otras posesiones materiales)
20 Article that stablished the proporty of all land and water within national territory
21 Los miembros de las organizaciones delictivas han descubierto que es sumamente rentable secuestrar a individuos adinerados y pedir un rescate por ellos, por una cantidad exorbitante
22 Article that stablished the right to have a decent Job
23 Was a stage in the history of Mexico within this occur several political changes and confrontations that led to the fact that in this period of six years the presidency was occupied by 3 different people
24 The electoral Victory of Who dont bring peace to the century
25 Who establoshed the Ministry of Public Education (Secretaria de Educación Pública, SEP) to create a national culture, started national beautification projects, mural painting, and other educational reforms, all aimed at enriching the lower classes of Mexico
26 Son un conjunto de reglas o lineamientos estipulados acerca de la conducta, el comportamiento o los actos, desarrollados por las asociaciones y los grupos de la comunidad, que los individuos tienen que cumplir y obedecer, ante la posibilidad de enfrentar un castigo o una sanción
27 El incumplimiento de una ley pública y Ética
28 Son reglas formalizadas, establecidas y aplicadas por el gobierno
29 The constitution is from?
30 The creation of what strengthened the power of the president, since it had an organized base that supported its actions and from which consolidated its influence in the appointment of the candidates to the diverse positions of popular election