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NON - RENEWABLE RESOURCES : A ____________________ resource is a natural resource that ____________________ be re - made or re - grown at a scale comparable to its consumption .

NUCLEAR ENERGY : Nuclear fission uses ____________________ to create energy .
Nuclear energy is a nonrenewable resource because once the uranium is ____________________ , it is ____________________ !

COAL , PETROLEUM , AND GAS : Coal , petroleum , and natural gas are considered nonrenewable because they cannot be ____________________ in a ____________________ period of time . These are called ____________________ ____________________ .

RENEWABLE RESOURCES : ____________________ resources are natural resources that ____________________ be replenished in a short period of time .

SOLAR : ____________________ energy is a renewable resource from the ____________________ .

GEOTHERMAL : ____________________ energy is a renewable resource from the ____________________ ? s ____________________ .

WIND : ____________________ is a renewable resource from the ____________________ of wind .

BIOMASS : ____________________ is a renewable resource from ____________________ ____________________ or living matter .

WATER or HYDROELECTRIC : ____________________ energy is a renewable resource from the flow of ____________________ .