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Use forms of the word DESIGN - The marketing form is looking for a graphics ____________________ with experience . Sheila thought she would apply for the job and submitted a portfolio full of samples of her ____________________ . The company reviewed all of the ____________________ materials , and they called her for an interview .

Use forms of the word INFLUENCE - Mrs . Ruschman has been a great ____________________ throughout my ESL classes . She gets her point across by teaching ____________________ . As a result , she has been an ____________________ person in my life .

Use forms of the word DOCUMENT - Please provide ____________________ of your work history to the supervisor . If you fail to produce a ____________________ , you may be disqualified for the opportunity . You must have ____________________ experience in order to be considered .

Use forms of the word IMITATE - To ____________________ something is indeed a form of flattery . A child will sometimes have ____________________ qualities when he or she talks like a parent . This kind of role play is also a form of ____________________ .

Use forms of the word EMOTIONAL - The musical artist shows a lot of ____________________ when she sings . When one listens , it is easy to become ____________________ attached to her music . After listening for some time , it causes my brother to become ____________________ .