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One of the strengths of Raine's study is that it can help ____________________ criminal behaviour . For example , as ____________________ advances it can help ____________________ crime . Evidence to support this comes from ____________________ . He scanned the brains of ____________________ male prisoners before their ____________________ from prison . They followed them for a ____________________ year period and found that those with ____________________ activity in the ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ were more likely to be ____________________ sooner . Therefore , the research could help to target such behaviour early on .
In relation to the above , ____________________ could also be provided . For example , it can help identify triggers that could lead to behaviours such as ____________________ and agression by examining ____________________ . For example , ____________________ found that giving individuals ____________________ reduced aggressive impulses and the rate of recidivism compared to a control group on the same medication . Combining Raines findings and alternative studies , could assist society in reducing such behaviour .

However , the research could also have negative social implications . Technology could lead to people being ____________________ for brain abnormallities at a ____________________ age and lead to ____________________ without ____________________ . It could also lead to people seeking to argue ____________________ responsibility . The case of Peter Joran Chiesa found that he was convicted of ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ having killed two of his neighbours due to evidence of damage to the ____________________ cortex etc . Juries could be swayed by the ____________________ of the research but not realise that you can not fully establish ____________________ and effect . The brain changes could have occured ____________________ the crime .
The research could also save the economy in terms of being used to help other ____________________ . ____________________ and ____________________ found that the cost of depression in the UK is ____________________ . ____________________ billion . Alzheimers costs ____________________ billion . Research could save lives and benefit the economy .