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1 - The sky is very dark . . . ____________________ ____________________ rain soon .
2 - Next week I ____________________ buy a dress for my mom .
3 - Someone is knocking at the door but don´t worry I ____________________ open it .
4 - ____________________ it rain in Northern Oregon ?
5 - What ____________________ do this Saturday afternoon ?
6 - I promise you . . . I ____________________ always love you .
7 - When you have fear I ____________________ be with you .
8 - Don´t worry Katie I ____________________ help you with your homework .
9 - Since my car does not work . . . I ____________________ buy a new one .
10 - The fortune teller told me : You ____________________ be rich within 10 years .
11 - I ____________________ stay home and relax .
12 - My family and I ____________________ watch a very good T . V show tonight .
13 - My daughter can sing really good , she ____________________ be a well known star .
14 - ____________________ you help me do my test ?
15 - I´m staying home but my friends ____________________ probably go to the beach .
16 - Carlos the phone is ringing . . . don´t worry I ____________________ answer .
17 - ____________________ you marry me ?
18 - For her next birthday she ____________________ travel to Italy .
19 - I ____________________ dance with your sister this year .
20 - This weekend the weather ____________________ be sunny and a little windy .