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Pedro is ____________________ think ____________________ Juan .

Books is ____________________ interesting than movies .

My aunt Selena is ____________________ person in my family .

Roberto is ____________________ clean ____________________ Andrea .

Michoacan is ____________________ than Tlaxcala .

That was the ____________________ movies I have seen my life .

I think Venice is the ____________________ romantic city in the world .

A cheetan is ____________________ than tiger .

Elephants are ____________________ heavy than hippos .

Mrs . Aspen is ____________________ teacher the school .

Mexican food is the ____________________ delicious food in the world .

Elena is the ____________________ friendly girl .

Luciana is ____________________ slow ____________________ Claudia .

A snake is ____________________ than pencil .

A sofa is ____________________ comfortable than chair .

My grandfather is ____________________ than the my uncle .

My brother is the ____________________ person in my family .