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The CCC has two main domains : ____________________ and ____________________ .
A ____________________ ____________________ involves a number of features : a type of event ; a topic and purpose ; a setting ; participants ; message form and content ; and rules for interaction with norms of interpretation .
Gee talks about ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , by which he means places where people interact and to which people ascribe meaning .
Reduced ____________________ ____________________ may lead to a more rapid escalation of anger and aggression .
The work of a ____________________ contributes to the authority and reliability of a site .
____________________ define and tag links to other sites ; online slideshows and presentations ; and many other resources .
In ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , we generally know who is speaking and wait for the speaker to finish before starting the next 'turn' .
Personal ____________________ ____________________ , in the early years , were used for , well , playing media and this was an area that education was quick to exploit with podcasts .