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1 . A young dog is called ____________________ . 2 . Some ____________________ animals live in this large ____________________ with its old trees . 3 . Munich is the biggest city in ____________________ . 4 . Some soccer players ____________________ 5 Euros ____________________ ____________________ . 5 . ____________________ long ____________________ the workers don't get more money nothing will ____________________ their poor lives . 6 . A disco without ____________________ is like a car without an engine . 7 . I need a ____________________ of hiking - shoes because I would like to ____________________ up the Arber mountain . 8 . I want to sail ____________________ the Atlantic Ocean which is ____________________ America and Europe . Is it ____________________ ? 9 . Writing a story in English is ____________________ ____________________ popular ____________________ playing soccer . 10 . Have you finished your work ? No , only 80 ____________________ cent of our ____________________ has been completed . 11 . The ____________________ of your fat SUV ____________________ noise and air pollution . 12 . Learning your words only ____________________ a ____________________ minutes every day . 13 . This new hybrid motor causes ____________________ air pollution . 14 . I married her because she is the ____________________ ____________________ of my life . You are so romantic ! 15 . You need ____________________ , milk and flour make pancakes . 16 . After the second lesson , there is a ____________________ at our school . 17 . If you are older than 13 and you live in the USA you propably go to a ____________________ school . 18 . Do you see this black and white animal over there ? It ____________________ like old eggs . It's a ____________________ .