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After school , children played with their pets , toys , and friends . Adults went to the baths before or after the Forum . Children didn ? t visit the baths and slaves weren ? t allowed in the baths with rich people , except as attendants . There were cheap public baths everywhere in Rome . ( ____________________ ) After dinner , adults sometimes went to the theatre .
Rich Romans lived a very good life . Roman slaves and people without a lot of money had to work all the time and had very difficult lives . ( ____________________ )

In Ancient Rome , the day began with breakfast . What people ate for breakfast depended on their social status . Slaves had to wake up early to prepare breakfast for their masters , and often only had some water for breakfast or a little bread .
Rich families enjoyed bread , honey , fruit , cheese , and olives for breakfast . They usually drank water . Emperors had big breakfasts which included meat and fish . They sometimes had wine with their breakfast , too ! ( ____________________ )

After breakfast , children went to school and many adults went to the Forum to go shopping and do their banking . The Forum was a market and commercial area . It was also used for festivals , celebrations , and ceremonies . ( ____________________ )