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On a cold dark night Elissa ____________________ ____________________ ( work ) late at the office . It ____________________ already midnight when she finally ____________________ ( finish ) her work . As she ____________________ ____________________ ( leave ) her office , she ____________________ ( realise ) the streets were now empty . She was all alone . While she ____________________ ____________________ ( walk ) back home , she ____________________ ( hear ) some footsteps behind her . She ____________________ ( turn ) around to look , but no one was there . So she ____________________ ( continue ) walking , but she ____________________ ( can ) still hear footsteps behind her . Elissa was really scared now . And she ____________________ ( start ) to run , but the footsteps behind her ____________________ ( get ) louder ? and faster . Someone ____________________ ____________________ ( chase ) her . As she ____________________ ____________________ ( run ) , she ____________________ ( see ) a cemetery . She quickly ____________________ ( run ) into the cemetery and ____________________ ( hide ) there . When Alissa ____________________ ____________________ ( hide ) , the footsteps ____________________ ( stop ) . Maybe she ____________________ ( lose ) him . Just then Alissa ____________________ ( remember ) there is a 24 hour convenience store nearby . She can go there for help . She quickly ____________________ ( run ) to the store . She ____________________ ( go ) inside and ____________________ ( beg ) the man for help .
? Please help me ! I ____________________ ____________________ ( walk ) home and someone ____________________ ____________________ ( follow ) me . I can hear his footsteps . ?
But the man ____________________ ( say ) to her : ? Lady , the footsteps are yours . The soles of your shoes ____________________ ( come ) off . ?