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Do it yourself !
We asked people what jobs they do themselves in order to save money . Here's what they said .

Have you ever cut your own hair to save money ?
Min Sook Kim
Seoul , south Korea
" I have , actually . But it looked so bad that I went to the most expensive place in town and ____________________ a hairdresser ____________________ it again . I'll never try that again ! Now I always ____________________ it ____________________ professionally at a good hair salon , though I ____________________ a friend ____________________ ____________________ my bangs occasionally . That saves me some money . "

Do you do your own car repairs ?
Marcus Aldóvar
Bogotá , Colombia
" Well , I can do routine things like put oil in the car . But , to be honest , I ____________________ my brother ____________________ ____________________ most things . And if there's something seriously wrong with my car , I ____________________ my uncle ____________________ a look at it at his garage . I can ____________________ it ____________________ there pretty cheaply . I also ____________________ it ____________________ there once a year . "
Do you do your own home decorating ?
Martin and Jill Snow
Calgary , Canada
" My wife and I are ____________________ a new house ____________________ right now , but we're going to do all the painting and decorating ourselves . We've done it before . My sister's an interior designer , so we'll ____________________ her ____________________ the colors and ____________________ her ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ curtains , too . She's got great taste . "

Do you ever do your own repairs around the house ?
Bella Clark
Miami , U . S . A .
" Not anymore ! Once I tried fixing the dishwasher myself because I didn't want to pay to ____________________ someone ____________________ and ____________________ it . But I didn't realize I had to turn off the water first . So I fixed the problem , but I flooded the entire apartment ! And it cost a fortune to ____________________ the water damage ____________________ . "