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____________________ System : ____________________ formed by the Sun , eight ____________________ ( after the construction of ____________________ as a dwarf ____________________ in August 2006 ) , dwarf ____________________ , ____________________ , asteroids , ____________________ and ____________________ , and interplanetary dust and gas .
Nebula : Localized mass of gases and small particles of dust that can be found almost anywhere in interstellar ____________________ .
Asteroid : One of the numerous small rocky bodies that rotate in elliptical orbits around the ____________________ , most between the orbits of Mars and ____________________ ( in what is known as the " asteroid belt " ) .
Satellite : Secondary object that gravitates in a closed orbit around a ____________________ .
Sun : The ____________________ that , by the effect of its mass , dominates the planetary system that includes the Earth .
  Constellation : any of the 88 groups of stars that appear on the celestial sphere and that take their name from religious or mythological figures , animals or objects .
 Galaxy : huge set of hundreds or billions of ____________________ , all interacting gravitationally and ____________________ around a common center .