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We celebrate Halloween every year ____________________ October 31st . Where does the holiday come from ?

The holiday ____________________ comes from a people called the Celts . The Celts lived in Europe more ____________________ 2000 years ____________________ . On November 1st they celebrated the ____________________ of summer . They thought ghosts visited the ____________________ on October 31st . They ____________________ up like ghosts ____________________ the spirits would not harm them .

Today , many countries ____________________ remember the dead on November 1st . It is ____________________ All Saints Day . ____________________ name for it is All Hallow ? s Day . The day before , October 31st , is called All Hallow ? s Eve , or Halloween for ____________________ .

Halloween is an old tradition in Ireland and Scotland . In ____________________ countries , people dressed up and ____________________ lanterns made of turnips . When people moved from Ireland and Scotland to the United States , they started using ____________________ . This is ____________________ the jack - o ? - lantern comes from .

They also had a tradition of giving ____________________ to the spirits . Later , they gave the food to ____________________ people . This is where ____________________ - or - treating comes from . Halloween has changed a lot since ____________________ origins . New people have ____________________ new traditions , and changed the old ones .

What do you think Halloween will be ____________________ in another two thousand years ?