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In many countries , the law permits you to engage in new activities at the age of 18 . We asked people what they think about 18 as the ? age of majority . ?

When you turn 18 , you can go see an ? R - rated ? movie - a movie that's restricted to adults . What do you think about that ?
- Bill Hughes
? What do I think ? Well , I think the law ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ - 18 is too young . Actually , I ____________________ R - rated movies ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ altogether . They're far too violent . ?

Do you think you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to get married before you're 18 ?
- Maya Diaz
? No way . In fact , you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to get married until you ¡ re at least 21 or even older . Then there might be fewer divorces . Actually . I think a law ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that says if you want to get married , you have to take marriage classes first ! ?

Do you think you ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to vote at 18 ?
- Aiko Niwano
? I guess . I mean , you can do everything else at 18 . Why not vote ? It's too bad more young people don't vote , though . I think everyone ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to vote . ?

You can get your own credit card at the age of 18 . Is this too young ?
- Jared Blake
? I don't think so . I mean , young people ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ their freedom at some point . You know , they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to manage their own finances and things . They can always learn from their mistakes . ?

The legal age for most things is 18 , but in many places you can drive at 16 . Is that a good idea , do you think ?
- Pat Johnson
? I must say I've always thought 16 is too young . Too many teenagers get involved in traffic accidents , and something really ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ about it . The legal age for driving ____________________ easily ____________________ ____________________ to 18 or 21 or something like that . ?