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____________________ Burkina ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ use in the ____________________ and ____________________ - scale ____________________ mining ____________________ . Burkina Faso , formerly Upper ____________________ , is one of the ____________________ countries in the ____________________ . It ranks ____________________ out of ____________________ countries on the UN ? s ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , yet it also ranks ____________________ in Africa ? s production of ____________________ . Following sweeping ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ in ____________________ , Burkina opened its ____________________ to ____________________ ____________________ . What happened then was a ____________________ ____________________ . Taxes and ____________________ from ____________________ went from ____________________ . 8 million in 2008 to ____________________ million ( US ) in ____________________ . As part of the new ____________________ to government ____________________ , the ____________________ government established a new ____________________ based upon PPPs ( ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ) to assist with ____________________ and ____________________ ____________________ . Alongside the ____________________ mines operated by ____________________ mining companies are ____________________ of ____________________ , small - ____________________ , ____________________ where ____________________ work ____________________ their parents from ____________________ to ____________________ . They get paid for the ____________________ of gold they ____________________ , which means that ____________________ they won ? t make any ____________________ for ____________________ , even ____________________ . The work is ____________________ . Mines may ____________________ ; and the working ____________________ is ____________________ ; because the ____________________ ____________________ , ____________________ , is used in the ____________________ of extracting ____________________ .