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Good morning , I ____________________ Carolina López , I ____________________ a reporter at 4vision and today I ____________________ making a report on immigrants . Today ? s guests ____________________ two immigrants from China , they ____________________ Jacobo Rivas , and Maria Melara , they ____________________ students at the Community College , he ____________________ 19 years old and she ____________________ 20 . They ____________________ students but they ____________________ not workers . Jaboco ____________________ living in a public refuge . Maria ____________________ living in a small apartment near the river .

Carolina : Where ____________________ you from ?
Jacobo : we ____________________ from El Salvador , department of Morazan .
Carolina : ____________________ you happy in the U . S . ?
Maria : Yes , we ____________________ , we enjoy living here .

The two ____________________ Salvadoran people living the American Dream , this ____________________ Carolina López reporting from the community College , and tomorrow we will have more guests in ? living in America ? , see you then !