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Many different geographic and human factors have affected economic development throughout history .

One factor that has long been important to economic development is water . For most of human history , people and civilizations have been near ____________________ to survive . It is used for drinking , cooking , cleaning , and growing . Rivers and oceans are also used to transport goods from one place to another on ____________________ . People even dug a new waterway shortcut called the ____________________ to be able to ship products from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean without going all the way around South America .

Unlike water , ____________________ are a physical feature that can make it more difficult to ship products across the country or world . Especially before airplanes and and highways , goods were moved by ____________________ and wagons . It was very difficult to get across the mountains to trade things with people on the other side .

Humans have invented new ways to get products , people , and money around the world . Airplanes can move smaller amounts of goods quickly across mountains or oceans . Dynamite has allowed tunnels to be built through mountains for cars and trains . It is not as important to live next to water as it used to be because of automobiles . A long time ago , even boats were new transportation technology ! In the 1700's - 1900's , new , large boats were used to transport goods and people between Europe , Africa , and the new lands called North and South ____________________ . Named after Christopher Columbus , this trade triangle was called the ____________________ . From boats on water to ____________________ in the sky , people keep inventing new ways to move goods and make money .