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At the beginning of last month I looked out of my window and saw the telltale signs : increase traffic , early - morning crowds , glum faces . Yes , that's right , the children ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to school and parents ____________________ ____________________ a new work year . And I asked myself an old question : do we have the work / life balance right ?

A new generation of economists ____________________ ____________________ the century - long assumption of economics : that men and women are motivated by more - more profit , more possessions , more work . Is the hectic pace of life what we really want ? ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ 14 - hour days long into our golden age ? And will it make us happy ?

The number of people in mid - career who seem ready to abandon the desperate climb up the corporate ladder ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . And now , several journalists and social commentators ____________________ ____________________ us to go slower and enjoy life .

Tom Hodgkinson , in How To Be Idle , says the prominent literary figures ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ the idle life for centuries . He ____________________ Bertrand Russell , Samuel Johnson and others . Carl Honoré's In Praise of Slow also suggest that slowing down may be the best way , and he provides a telling anecdote . He recalls a time recently when he ____________________ ____________________ extremely fast in Italy because he was late for a Slow Food meal . The irony of it !