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Today ____________________ going to look at 6 most common idioms that use cats in them in English .

A fat cat essentially is , someone who refers to someone ____________________ is extremely wealthy so much so that's excessively wealthy . The fat cats on Wall Street they're really wealthy people . It's a negative kind ____________________ wealthy though , it's kind of look agreed wealthy .

Cats ____________________ your tongue . This we use when we're talking about someone who's having a difficult time speaking who they can't express themselves correctly okay .
I went to the presentation today , the cat really got his tongue . Where cats got his tongue sometimes you can you can say something ____________________ along those lines ____________________ he had a really difficult time speaking . Think of maybe a cat grabbing your tongue right . You're not going to be ____________________ to talk well . How about a copycat ? The word coppia thing kind of gives it away right .

Copycat is someone who imitates or mimics right . If one artist ____________________ another artist or something like that say ? Oh he's just a copycat you know ! ? He's not an original . He's someone who just does things that other people do . Don't be such a copycat you I'd say . This is actually kind of funny because when I think of cats and naps and sleeping I think of cats as you know sleeping for a really long time like ____________________ hours at a time .