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My friend Mark Jaron ____________________ a very famous basketball player . He ____________________ very popular in Chicago , U . S . A . He ____________________ up early and gets up at 7 : 00 in the morning . Next , he ____________________ breakfast with his family . They ____________________ a healthy breakfast . Then , he goes to the gym to play basketball and train . After that , he lifts weights and runs . He ____________________ very strong . Next , he ____________________ home to ____________________ lunch with his family . He ____________________ with his children after lunch . Later , he ____________________ Spanish classes . He ____________________ in his swimming pool , sometimes , he and his friends ____________________ cards . Then , he ____________________ TV in the afternoon . At night , he ____________________ dinner for his family . After that , he ____________________ to bed at 10 : 00 . He ____________________ for his children . He doesn't ____________________ to bed late .