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I'm 15 years old and I ____________________ in Florianópolis with my family . I don't ____________________ but I study a lot and ____________________ my mother at home . ____________________ ____________________ I ____________________ up at 7 o'clock am . I usually ____________________ a fast shower before getting dressed . ____________________ I ____________________ my breakfast at home , but most of the times I only ____________________ some milk and my mother ____________________ me some money and I ____________________ something at the school cafeteria . I ____________________ ____________________ the bus to school , because my neighbor often ____________________ me a ride . We usually ____________________ home at 7 : 30 and my classes ____________________ at 7 : 45 . I usually ____________________ 5 classes a day and my school ____________________ at 12 : 00 ; however , once a ____________________ I ____________________ at school for lunch because I ____________________ piano after lunch . When I ____________________ home , I usually ____________________ at home at 12 : 40 , ____________________ lunch and ____________________ the dishes . I always ____________________ my homework after lunch , in the afternoon I frequently ____________________ with my friends or ____________________ my bike . I ____________________ dinner for the family three ____________________ a week . I ____________________ ____________________ a week at the club , on Mondays and Wednesdays . I ____________________ ____________________ much TV . . . I don't like it very much . I prefer to ____________________ a good book and to ____________________ to some music . ____________________ other weekend I ____________________ to my grandmother's and ____________________ my relatives in Tijucas . I like going there . We ____________________ a lot and ____________________ a great time . We usually ____________________ Florianópolis on Friday nights and ____________________ back on Sunday evenings . When I ____________________ in town I usually ____________________ a movie , ____________________ to parties or ____________________ at a disco with friends .