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1 . Nico ? s sister is in town this week . I want to meet HER .
2 . It ? s my father ? s birthday today . I need to call ____________________ .
3 . She lives near her grandparents . She visits ____________________ on weekends .
4 . Alexa has a difficult job , but she likes ____________________ .
5 . Are those students in our class ? I don ? t know ____________________ .
6 . The teacher wants to meet with ____________________ . She has a question about your homework .
7 . Nadia and Jen want to attend the meeting . Please invite ____________________ .
8 . Fumiko is my best friend . She calls ____________________ every day .
9 . Ron and Ella are our neighbors . They live near ____________________ .
10 . Spinach is my brother ? s favorite vegetable . He loves ____________________ !