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AI refers to the autonomous intelligent ____________________ of software or machines that have a ____________________ - like ability to make decisions and to improve over time by learning from experience . Currently , popular ____________________ include statistical methods , computational intelligence and traditional symbolic AI . There are a large number of ____________________ used in AI , including versions of search and mathematical optimization , logic , methods based ____________________ probability and economics , and many others . In business intelligence , we are evolving ____________________ static reports of on what has already happened to proactive analytics with real - time ____________________ assisting businesses with more ____________________ reporting . They indeed ____________________ you to see what is happening at every moment , and send alerts when ____________________ is off - trend . For ____________________ , the datapine solution comprises an AI algorithm based on the ____________________ advanced neural networks for its alerts . That way , ____________________ anomaly is identified with a high accuracy , as it learns from historical trends and ____________________ : every unexpected event will be notified and an alert sent .

Some more examples of AI application can be ____________________ in various domains : in 2017 we will experience more AI in combination ____________________ Big Data in healthcare . Likewise , ____________________ advances have been made in the ____________________ of self - driving cars , as Google ? s stand alone company Waymo logged 800 , 000 miles of ____________________ driving in 2016 . ____________________ , Uber is teaming up with Mercedes Benz to have self - driving Mercedes on the road ____________________ rather than later . Another direction in which AI is heading is the introduction ____________________ a truly smart smartphone which ____________________ be able to make stuff ____________________ us . For example , you could tell your phone ____________________ the trip you plan and it would book the most ____________________ flight , hotel and rental car for you . ____________________ knows , maybe AI will even have the potential to make or ____________________ least help us with our strategic business decisions in the ____________________ future .