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1 . ____________________ are the the brains of the computer .
2 . RAM stands for ____________________ access memory .
3 . ____________________ , decode , execute , and store are the steps of the Machine Cycle .
4 . The ____________________ changes a computer's digital information into analog waves that can travel through the phones lines to another computer .
5 . CPU stands for central ____________________ unit .
6 . The main circuit board of a computer that connects all the components that make up a computer is known as the ____________________ .
7 . The ____________________ ____________________ is in charge of keeping the computer cool .
8 . The part that is in charge of supplying the electrical power for a computer is known as the ____________________ ____________________ .
9 . The ____________________ ____________________ works along with its analog - to - digital converter to process and change the information .
10 . The ____________________ directs the motherboard ? s flow of information from one point to another .
11 . The ____________________ chip is used to setup a computer's hardware .
12 . The main memory of a computer is the ____________________ .
13 . The computer's drives are installed in the ____________________ ____________________ .