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Do you have a personal problem that you'd rather not discuss with friends or family ? Get some confidential advice from our online life coach .

Q1 : Sometimes I think I ought to ____________________ some volunteer work in a school or a hospital , but I'm too busy just trying to ____________________ a living . I have very little free time , so I think I'd better not add anything to my schedule right now . Am I right ?
A1 : Don't ____________________ excuses . You don't have to spend all your free time doing volunteer work - three hours a week is enough . ____________________ some research and find an organization where you feel you can ____________________ a difference and ____________________ some good for other people .

Q2 : My boss is a bully . He yells at me if I ____________________ a mistake , and he ____________________ fun of me in front of my co - workers . I've tried talking to him , but it doesn't ____________________ any good . He won't listen . I guess I'm going to have to ____________________ something about this problem , but what ?
A2 : It doesn't ____________________ any sense to ignore this problem , and you'd better do something quickly before it gets worse . ____________________ an appointment with your Human Resources representative . You might want to take a colleague with you , too .

Q3 : I'm meeting my girlfriend's parents for the first time next weekend . They've invited me for dinner . I'm going to ____________________ my best to ____________________ a good impression on them , but I'm really nervous . Any advice ?
A3 : ____________________ an effort to dress nicely , and ____________________ sure you take them a small gift , such as flowers or chocolates . ____________________ some nice comments about their home , the food , etc . but don't overdo it . You ought to let them ____________________ the talking first . The most important thing , however , is just to be yourself .

Q4 : My boss recently offered me a promotion . I've ____________________ a lot of thinking about it , but I can't ____________________ up my mind if I should take it . Sometimes I think I'd rather stay in my current job . I've got to decide by next week . What should I do ?
A4 : ____________________ a list of the pros and cons of each job , and give each one a score from 1 to 5 ( 5 - the best ) . Then ____________________ the math - add up the points for each list , and subtract the con totals from the pro totals . Which job has the highest score ? Does that help you ____________________ a decision ?