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Rob : So , how ____________________ your kids ____________________ ?
Paula : ____________________ , but they're pretty busy . It ____________________ like there's a lot of pressure on kids these days .
Rob : ____________________ - with all the homework and sports and lessons ____________________ ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ , they're ____________________ too busy .
Paula : ____________________ . My kids ____________________ home , ____________________ something ____________________ ____________________ , and then ____________________ ____________________ again . I never ____________________ them .
Rob : Oh , I ____________________ . ____________________ ____________________ to family dinners ?
Paula : Yeah . I don't think families ____________________ enough time together - not like they ____________________ ____________________ .
Rob : That's ____________________ ____________________ . And ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ that's why some kids ____________________ into trouble .
Paula : ____________________ .