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____________________ , Kazakhstan is a part of ____________________ Asia . ____________________ is more than ____________________ as big as the four other ____________________ Asian republics put ____________________ and roughly ____________________ the size of mainland ____________________ . The ____________________ of Kazakhstan is ____________________ . The northern forest - ____________________ turns into steppe , half - ____________________ and deserts in the South . ____________________ is mineral rich . ____________________ involved in ____________________ and processing of coal , ____________________ , gas , non - ferrous and ____________________ metals play a leading role in the ____________________ ____________________ . The Republic is a ____________________ state inhabited with ____________________ of more than 120 ____________________ . The main religions are Islam and Orthodox ____________________ , but religious ____________________ is the norm .
In recent ____________________ lots of ____________________ and ____________________ are under ____________________ and the number of ____________________ people is ____________________ . But Kazakhstan is not as ____________________ as the other ____________________ of Central Asia , and as a ____________________ of the ____________________ ____________________ a great number of people are not ____________________ at all . ____________________ is the ____________________ city in Kazakhstan and the ____________________ capital of the Republic . Sudden ____________________ to the outside ____________________ has turned Almaty into Central ____________________ most ____________________ city with shops , ____________________ , hotels and ____________________ that would make the place ____________________ to anyone who has been away since ____________________ . Almaty was the ____________________ of Kazakhstan till December ____________________ . The city has long ____________________ avenues and low - rise ____________________ . The Zailijski Alatau ____________________ rise like a ____________________ along Almaty's ____________________ fringe and ____________________ a ____________________ ____________________ . There are ____________________ of ____________________ , space and ____________________ .