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We ____________________ people ____________________ ____________________ us ____________________ photo and ____________________ about their happiest childhood memory .

1 . Mi Soon , Seoul , South Korea .
My happiest memory ____________________ of my ____________________ - ____________________ . She always ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ candy in her pockets , and ____________________ always ____________________ us some when we ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ . My dad ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ us and say , " Grandma , don't give them any candy ! " But she ____________________ anyway .

2 . Claudia , San Juan , Puerto Rico .
All my aunts and uncles ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ for Sunday dinner , and there ____________________ always about 12 of us around a ____________________ table . My cousins and I ____________________ ____________________ under it during dinner and ____________________ . I'm an ____________________ child , so it ____________________ nice to ____________________ part of a big ____________________ ____________________ .

3 . Hasan Istanbul , Turkey .
My sister and ____________________ - ____________________ - ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ next door . I'm only a little ____________________ than my sister's kids , so I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ with my ____________________ and ____________________ . I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ there a lot , and ____________________ ____________________ together . I was their favorite uncle !

4 . John , Oakland , California , U . S . A .
I ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ basketball with my four brothers . I ____________________ ____________________ in a ____________________ ____________________ , with two ____________________ and two ____________________ ____________________ . After my parents ____________________ ____________________ , my father ____________________ a woman with two sons , and they had two more kids together . Anyway , the five of us ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ on a team , and we ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .