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The Tyrannosaurus Rex , also known as T - ____________________ , was one of the ____________________ land ____________________ to have ever lived . The T - rex could ____________________ to 40 feet in length ( a little longer than a school bus ) and could ____________________ 13 feet tall at the hips ( about three feet taller than a basketball hoop ) . It lived in what is now western North America and may have even been partly covered in feathers .

The Tyrannosaurus Rex was a fearsome predator with ____________________ jaws and up to 60 teeth . Some of these teeth could grow to be almost a foot long . The T - Rex was a strict ____________________ ( meat - eater ) and ____________________ other dinosaurs . Scientists aren ? t sure how fast the T - Rex could ____________________ , or , even if it could run at all .

In 1990 , a fossil hunter found the most complete skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex ever found ! It was sold to a ____________________ for $8 million dollars , the highest amount ever paid for dinosaur fossils .