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Class structure in ancient China

Respect and ____________________ was a very important part of ancient ____________________ society . The social pyramid was not in order of how much ____________________ a person had , but ____________________ each group helped the community .

The ____________________ had absolute power over his subjects . He was greatly ____________________ and was seen as the ? son of heaven ? .

Government officials were scholars who helped the ____________________ rule his kingdom . They worked on paperwork and were respected for their ____________________ .

The warriors were from the ruling class . They were respected for their leadership abilities and ____________________ skills .

Farmers and peasants were often very ____________________ , but they were respected for working the land to produce ____________________ and other materials . They were believed to be the class that made China so ____________________ .

Craftspeople made beautiful and useful ____________________ . Although they made useful things , they were not respected because they did not ____________________ land . Their skills , however , kept them from being the ____________________ group in China .

Merchants and traders were often quite wealthy , but they were usually seen as ____________________ . Because they did not make their own goods or own their own land they were the ____________________ respected group in society .

There were servants and slaves in ancient China , but they were seen as so ____________________ that they were not thought of as part of society .