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Xiaoyu Song from Changchun in north - ____________________ China is a ____________________ of finance , ____________________ and ____________________ at the university of ____________________ , in ____________________ England .
Xiaoyu , ____________________ morning !
In ____________________ , why did you ____________________ to the UK for your ____________________ ?
Well , Mr Smith , it ? s ____________________ that having a ____________________ degree can help you to get a ____________________ job in China , and that the ____________________ that you then get will be ____________________ than the ____________________ if you are just a graduate from a ____________________ university .
I don ? t want to go ____________________ to China ____________________ , but ? on the other ____________________ - I ? m the ____________________ child in my family : so ____________________ ? t be staying in the UK ____________________ .
Ah ! Excellent answer - thank you very ____________________ ! Now I believe that there ? s a particular ____________________ that you chose Birmingham ____________________ ? . ?
Oh yes ! Chinese students who want to do a ____________________ ? s degree ? that ? s a first degree ; not a ____________________ ? s , right ? ? a first degree , or a ____________________ ? s degree in the university - in ____________________ university , I mean , in the ____________________ , have to do a ____________________ year first ? So I chose Birmingham , because the foundation year ____________________ is ____________________ by the ____________________ , whereas other universities the ____________________ year is organized by ____________________ ____________________ ?

So there ? s more , what you might call ____________________ ? between the studies you do in your very ____________________ ____________________ in Birmingham , and the ____________________ of your ____________________ .
Birmingham is a nice ____________________ place in the ____________________ of England - quite large - [ a ] ____________________ brick university - in other words , it ? s quite an ____________________ university - it ? s not ? it ? s probably as old as some of the ____________________ Chinese universities such as ____________________ , or there's one in ____________________ which is that ____________________ : it ? s not ____________________ , ____________________ modern ? as a lot of Chinese universities are ?

OK - ____________________ answer . I ? m learning a ____________________ . Now , could you tell us , what have been the ____________________ things in the UK for you , Xiaoyu ?
Ah well ? most of the ____________________ have been ____________________ ? I ? ve become more independent , outgoing , positive ? I ? ve learned how to ____________________ for myself .
Wow that ? s really ____________________ , I don ? t think most Chinese students would even have ____________________ these ideas of being independent , ____________________ , and positive ? ! And learning to fight for ____________________ ? I think this has been really ____________________ for you ? !
Oh yes ? yes ? that ? s ____________________ , Mr Smith .
But did you find any ____________________ about moving : I mean , we ? ve been talking to a ____________________ students now ; and they are ____________________ - both the Greek gentleman , and the young ____________________ - there were ____________________ ; what about in your case ; were there ____________________ ? ?
Oh yeah - ____________________ : I would say ____________________ . above all ? I mean , actually , its an ____________________ - Chinese thing . . . The ____________________ Chinese students are not so ____________________ ? after a while - with the ____________________ students who stay in China . Er ? and there's a ____________________ . This ____________________ ____________________ , I think , the ____________________ we stay ____________________ .
I can ? t see that there's a ____________________ to ____________________ one ?