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A Restaurant
You can go to a restaurant to eat ____________________ , ____________________ , or ____________________ and even a ____________________ when you want . Restaurants serve ____________________ to you and to other people who go and eat at them . First , you look at a ____________________ that lists all the foods and drinks that you can order from the restaurant . Then you tell the ____________________ or waitress what you want to eat and drink . A ? waiter ? is the word you use for a man and a ? waitress ? is the word you use for a woman . Those are the people who take your ____________________ and bring you your food . Restaurants cook the food you order . Some restaurants have lots of foods and some have some foods like only salads or soups , hotdogs or desserts . Some restaurants are open part of the day and only serve food at sometimes of the day . Other restaurants are open all day and serve food all the time . The waiter or waitress brings your food to the ____________________ you are sitting at . You eat the food . After you eat the food , you need to pay for the food . The waiter or waitress gives you a ____________________ that tells you how much money you need to pay for the food . You also need to leave a tip . A tip is some extra money you give for good help , good food , and good ____________________ .