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Dessert is usually fresh fruit , but ____________________ sweet treat is often served once ____________________ week .
Starting when children enter school at age three , school lunch consists of four courses : ____________________ vegetable starter ( for example , grated carrot salad , or beet salad ) , ____________________ warm main course served with ____________________ side of grains or vegetables , cheese , and dessert .
Fast food culture and ____________________ attitude that ? food is fuel ? . We have made ____________________ choice to try to keep eating like the French .
Breakfast ( 7 : 30 am ) .
( Steel cut oats ) with blueberries , flax oil , and maple syrup ) ____________________ oatmeal , ____________________ egg , ____________________ aple or ____________________ orange , ____________________ slice of bread .
When ____________________ child says ? I don ? t like that food ? ,