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A . Escribir las frases corrigiendo los demostrativos .
1 . Those car is old .
1 . ____________________ car is old .
2 . That boots are expensive .
2 . ____________________ boots are expensive .
3 . These book is mine .
3 . ____________________ book is mine .
4 . These money is mine .
4 . ____________________ money is mine .
5 . Take this key from the table .
5 . Take ____________________ keys from the table .

B . Completa las siguientes oraciones con ? this ? , ? that ? , ? these ? , ? those ? .

This book here isn't very interesting but ____________________ books over there are great .
Take ____________________ glass here and put it in the cupboard , please !
That young man on the other side of the street is my brother .
I love ____________________ shoes on the des k