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Sean Davis
" Actually yes . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to work on the train Monday morning , and ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to this woman . ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ wasn't ____________________ attention , and ____________________ ____________________ my stop . I ____________________ half an hour late for a meeting with my new boss . "

Julia Chen
" Oh definitely ! A friend of mine accidentally ____________________ all my music files yesterday when ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ my computer . I ____________________ for hours to find them , but nothing ____________________ . I ____________________ everything ! "

Roberto Moreno
" Yeah , kind of . A couple of days ago , a friend and I ____________________ ____________________ to look cool in front of some girls at the mall . ____________________ weren't ____________________ , and we ____________________ right into a glass door . I ____________________ so embarrassed . "