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1 . The dog ate the cookies , but my mom ____________________ me !
2 . James was hired for the job . The interviewers believed he was a very ____________________ candidate .
3 . It's important ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to yourself . Don't change who you are for anyone .
4 . Anna didn't cry when Simon was yelling at her . She ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ .
5 . It is ____________________ to leave a dog in a car on a hot summer day .
6 . ? Okay everyone , put your pens down , ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ? said the teacher when the exam was finished .
7 . Zoey's grandma was very sick last week , but she ____________________ ____________________ .
8 . Ricky was sure that Mike ____________________ him by telling their mom about the party .