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ONE MORNING , well after I was ____________________ with cancer , I got an email from Robbee Kosak , Carnegie Mellon's vice ____________________ for advancement . She told me a story .

She said she had been driving home from work the night before , and she found herself behind a man in a convertible . It was a warm , ____________________ , early - spring evening , and the man had his top down and all his windows ____________________ . His arm was hanging over the driver's side door , and his fingers were tapping along to the music on his radio . His head was ____________________ along , too , as the wind blew through his hair .

Robbee changed lanes and pulled a little closer . From the side , she could see that the man had a slight smile on his face , the kind of ____________________ smile a person might have when he's all alone , happy in his own ____________________ . ?

The ____________________ eventually turned the corner , ?

She was so struck by the sight of me . She knew that my cancer ____________________ was grim . And yet , as she wrote in her email , she was moved by how contented I seemed . In this private moment , I was obviously in high ____________________ . ?

I read Robbee's email several times . I came to look at it as a ____________________ loop of sorts .

It has not always been easy to stay positive through my cancer ____________________ . When you have a dire medical issue , it's tough to know how ?

But Robbee had come upon me ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ moment .