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ONE OF my earliest ____________________ ?

The coolest guy was easy to spot : He was the one walking around with the largest stuffed animal . As a kid , I'd see some guy off in the ____________________ ?

My dad ____________________ ? .

Given the ____________________ in our ? .

Have you ever walked around a ____________________ with a giant stuffed animal ? ?

Giant stuffed ____________________ have played a role in my life from the start .

There was that time when I was three years old and my ____________________ was five .

We were in a store's toy ____________________ , ? .

? We'll take that ! ? my sister said .

It was probably the most ____________________ item in the toy department . ? .

As I reached ____________________ ?

And I never cheated .

OK , I admit that I leaned . That's the only way to do it at the ring toss . I am a leaner , but I am not a cheater .
I did , however , do a lot of my ____________________ out of view of my family .

And I know that increased ____________________ . ?

____________________ is a virtue , ?

I am prepared now to reveal ?

I talked about my stuffed animals at my last lecture , and showed photos of them . I could predict what the tech - ____________________ cynics ?

How , in this age of ____________________ , ? .

I don't need these ____________________ anymore . ?

I knew that if I kept the stuffed ____________________ , ?

And so once they were lined up on stage , I ____________________ ?

The ____________________ ____________________ animals all found homes quickly . ?