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1 ) Stop ( c ) ____________________ ! Why can't you just look at the positive side
instead .
2 ) That mushroom is ( p ) ____________________ ! If you eat it , you'll die .
3 ) I really ( d ) ____________________ . I don't think that you are at all correct .
4 ) He ( e ) ____________________ from prison . He must have had help to break out .
5 ) I don't have many ( r ) ____________________ . Just an aunt and a cousin .
6 ) You need to put the letter into an ( e ) ____________________ and put a
( s ) ____________________ on it before you can post it .
7 ) The sound a dog makes is called a ( b ) ____________________ .
8 ) The person running a school is called ( h ) ____________________ if it is a
man and ( h ) ____________________ if it is a woman . If you want to be gender neutral you can call them the ( h ) ____________________ ( t ) ____________________ .
9 ) I know he doesn't want to come , but can't you ( p ) ____________________ him ?
10 ) ( R ) ____________________ is when you do something bad to somebody who has
done something bad to you .
11 ) If you wash that blouse at 90 degrees it will ( s ) ____________________ and be far
too small for you to wear !
12 ) If you ( s ) ____________________ , you shake because you're cold or afraid .
13 ) A machine that sucks up dust and is used to clean your house is called a
( h ) ____________________ or ( v ) ____________________ ( c ) ____________________ .