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Who is the Holy Spirit ? ( Isaiah 9 : 6 )

The Son ( Jesus ) is called Wonderful Counsellor , ____________________ God , Eternal ____________________ , and Prince of ____________________ . The Holy Spirit is a part of the Trinity of God .

How do you get the Holy Spirit ? ( Acts 2 : 38 )

____________________ of your sins . This means to turn from sin , to change direction from wrong to right , and to follow Jesus .

3 . Where does He live ? ( John 14 : 16 - 17 )

The Father will give you another Counsellor to be with you ____________________ ? the Spirit of ____________________ . The world will not accept Him , but you know Him because He ____________________ with you and will ____________________ in you .

4 . What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives ? ( Acts 1 : 8 )

You will receive ____________________ when the Holy Spirit comes on you ; and you will be my ____________________ in Jerusalem , Judea and ____________________ , and to the ____________________ of the earth . ( He gives us courage to tell about Jesus ! )

5 . What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives ? ( John 14 : 26 )

The Counsellor , the Holy Spirit , will ____________________ us all things and will ____________________ us of everything He has said to us .

6 . What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives ? ( John 14 : 27 )

He gives us ____________________ . We do not have to be troubled or afraid .

7 . What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives ? ( John 16 : 8 )

He ____________________ the world of guilt . That means that He makes us sorry for our sin .

8 . What does the Holy Spirit do in our lives ? ( Galatians 5 : 22 - 23 )

The fruit of the Spirit is love , ____________________ , peace , patience , ____________________ , goodness , faithfulness , ____________________ and self ____________________ . ( We become people who have these characteristics in our lives . )