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The Secret life of ____________________
____________________ , a little ____________________ , lives in New York City . Every ____________________ he goes for a bike ____________________ around the ____________________ with his ____________________ Katie . After Katie ____________________ for work , Max just ____________________ at the door and ____________________ for her to come home . Other pets live near Max : Gidget , Chloe , Mel , Buddy , Leonard and Sweet Pea .
One night , Katie brings home a bigger dog named ____________________ . Max quickly makes it clear he ____________________ like him . The next morning , the dogs are left alone ____________________ Katie goes to work . Duke eats ____________________ from both his bowl and Max's . Duke then runs toward the wall and ____________________ over a vase . Max takes the opportunity to make a big ____________________ and have Duke blamed for it so Katie can get rid of him .

During their ____________________ outside , they meet a group of ____________________ and en up in the pound's ____________________ . Luckily , a rebellious bunny named ____________________ saves the dogs .