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1 . We need to get some more apples . We only have a ____________________ left .

2 . There's just a ____________________ milk . We need to stop for more .

3 . There's a ____________________ soup in the refrigerator . I didn't finish it all .

4 . There isn't ____________________ salt left . We need to buy some .

5 . They didn't have ____________________ apples in the market today , so I only got five .

6 . You don't need ____________________ eggs to make an omelette .

7 . I have some bread and a ____________________ cheese in the refrigerator . Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich ?

8 . There aren't ____________________ oranges in the fridge .

9 . He drinks ____________________ cups of coffee a day .

10 . This hamburger is very healthy . It only has a ____________________ calories .