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1 . ____________________ ( Mary ) is nice .
2 . ____________________ ( Peter ) is at school every week .
3 . ____________________ ( the bird ) is singing in my garden .
4 . The doctor visited ____________________ ( the girl ) because she has a stomachache .
5 . Lupita and Rosy invited ____________________ ( my new friend ) to the theatre .
6 . Angie bought ____________________ ( the beautiful red dress ) .
7 . My mom is sister of ____________________ ( Angie and Noe ) .
8 . ____________________ ( The teacher ) has a a baby lion as a pet .
9 . Marta , are you fine today ? - Well . . . no ____________________ ( Marta ) don't feel good .
10 . Is this toy , yours ? - Yes , My parents have just bought ____________________ ( toy ) to me .
11 . Lauret and Sarah are the faster at the competition ! I can't run as faster as ____________________ ( Lauret and Sarah !
12 . My mother punished ____________________ ( I ) because I fought with my sister .
13 . I have just told ____________________ ( Eduard and Lisa ) that Britney Spears is gorgeous .