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Reporter : Welcome to a new episode of ? Famous People's Families ? . Today we ____________________ going to talk about the family of the new pop star Frank Coleman . Hello Frank . Do you have a large or a ____________________ family ?
Frank : Hello . I would say small . My family consists of my wife , my son , my parents and my two sisters .
Reporter : What about your extended family ?
Frank : My father has twelve siblings and my mother seven . So I have ten uncles and nine aunts but to tell you the truth I only see them at Christmas .
Reporter : Do you get along well with your sisters ?
Frank : My sisters' ____________________ are Rose and Rachel . I love my family more than anything , so we get along well . I call them every week . It is a very close relationship .
Reporter : Tell us about your ____________________ .
Frank : Well , they are my heroes . My mom's name is Ivana . She is from Russia . She is 62 years old . She is really beautiful . My father's name is Ralph . She is a dentist . They make a lovely couple .
Reporter : Would you like to have more children ?
Frank : Yes ! Actually , Elizabeth , my wife , is pregnant . We are exited and happy . My parents don't know yet . We are going to tell them tomorrow .
Reporter : Wow , that's really good news . Thank you Frank for being here and for telling us about your family .
Fuente de consulta : http : / / bit . ly / 1sEZud k