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Mary : I'd really like to go see a film this evening . Would you like to come ?

Tom : Sure , but let's not go see the Titanic . I hate blockbuster films .

Mary : I know what you mean . Why don't we go see Major League Blues ? I've heard it will make you bust your sides ____________________ .

Tom : Sounds good to me . What's it about ?

Mary : Well , it's about the a team that's hit the bottom of the ____________________ and has to ____________________ the road for all of its 175 games .

Tom : I don't get it .

Mary : Well , the team loses its playing field because of construction contracts and the owner has to throw in the kitchen ____________________ when he tries to sell it to another owner .

Tom : Seems like a strange idea for a movie to me . . .

Mary : The new owner decides he's going to make a ____________________ by turning the team into the worst baseball team in history . He's a ____________________ fox ( clever person ) and thinks that if the team ____________________ , the media will give it great coverage and he will be able to turn a ____________________ profit by paying the bad players little and making all the money on off the ____________________ advertising .

Tom : Yeah , that would make sense in this ____________________ and age . Anyway , when shall we meet tonight ?

Mary : Oh , how about 7 . 30 before the ____________________

Tom : Great , see you then .

Mary : Bye .