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The Chow family ____________________ on vacation . They are ____________________ to travel to Hawaii for five days . They ____________________ a hotel room on the beach in Maui .
Everyone ____________________ excited . The kids want to ____________________ on a submarine tour and ____________________ the fish in the Pacific Ocean . Mrs . Chow ____________________ to go shopping and take a sunrise tour of Haleakala Crater . Mr . Chow ____________________ the family to go hiking in the morning , visit museums in the afternoon , and have a barbecue on the beach in the evening , but , he ____________________ worried about spending too much money .
Mrs . Chow ____________________ her husband ____________________ too much about money . She ____________________ him to relax and forget about money while they ____________________ on vacation . What ____________________ Mrs . Chow do ? How ____________________ she solve her problem ?