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1 ) DEFINITION : a small , spring - flowering plant
SENTENCE : He touched with his thick boot a clump of ____________________ in the grass .

2 ) DEFINITION : assuming power or authority without justification
SENTENCE : He fixed his eyes on Ben Weatherstaff in his funny ____________________ way .

3 ) DEFINITION : having or showing sharp powers of judgment ; astute
SENTENCE : she was ____________________ enough to guess the motive behind his gesture .

4 ) DEFINITION : any disease marked by inflammation and pain in the joints or muscles
SENTENCE : He got rid of the ____________________ and came back strong last fall .

5 ) DEFINITION : triumphantly happy
SENTENCE : The winning candidate was ____________________ in his victory speech , repeatedly thanking those who made it all possible .

6 ) DEFINITION : cause ( a person or animal ) to limp
SENTENCE : Johnson was still ____________________ slightly by an ankle injury .