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My name is Paul , I have 10 years and am the ____________________
one like most ____________________ my
age in Spain . My ____________________ work hard
and I spend a lot of time with my ____________________ . They
take me to school and in the evenings I
accompanying music class and the
English Academy . I only see my parents
at ____________________ and on weekends . My ____________________
He has five ____________________ and my ____________________ seven . My
____________________ has a ____________________ and my ____________________ two
____________________ . Sometimes I miss not having
____________________ to play with them . My
____________________ say they have no time or money
to have more children .
My ____________________ Marta is separated from her husband
and she has two children : my ____________________ ? ? Luis and Alberto ,
who they are with her ? ? mother a few days , and others
with his ____________________ . In my class there are many
other children with separated parents and
with new siblings of couples of their
parents .
We spent Christmas together with
my grandparents andbest thing is that all
gifts are for me !