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On September 22 , 1863 President ____________________ issued the Emancipation ____________________ freeing all ____________________ in states ____________________ against the United States . Lincoln believed that the loss of slaves would hurt the south ____________________ and would help influence the ____________________ to favor the ____________________ because they also opposed ____________________ . The Proclamation also promised that the Union military would ____________________ this law , and invited ____________________ men to serve as Union ____________________ . This shifted the ____________________ of the war from ____________________ rights and ____________________ differences to that of ____________________ the slaves .

The ____________________ that affected the rebellious states caused people in other slave states to make ____________________ . Missouri and Maryland ____________________ their slaves . The three states that were already occupied by Union forces also ____________________ slavery . To make sure that other states did not ____________________ slavery back after the war , ____________________ and Lincoln supported a permanent ____________________ to the U . S . Constitution that would make slavery ____________________ . In Georgia and other southern states , white slave holders ____________________ if slaves found out about the proclamation they might ____________________ . Jefferson Davis ____________________ with a proclamation that all free blacks captured by the Confederacy would become ____________________ .

Georgia : Its Heritage and Its Promise
Clairmont Press 201 4