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1 ) The United Kingdom has a ____________________ government which means that the power to make decisions lies with the central government , who can give power to smaller , ____________________ governments .

2 ) The Federal Republic of Germany has a ____________________ government , and they share power with its 16 states .

3 ) A ____________________ ____________________ is a government that has a queen or a king , but they have little power to make decisions .

4 ) A parliament is ____________________ which means it has two houses that make it up .
5 ) France has a ____________________ who is elected by the people . This is an example of a ____________________ democracy .
6 ) Germany has a ____________________ ____________________ who is not elected by the people . ____________________ elects the prime minister . This is an example of a ____________________ democracy .
7 ) A government system in which a loose alliance of countries come together is an example of a ____________________ government . An example is the ____________________ ____________________ .
8 ) An ____________________ is a type of government in which a small group of people , or a certain group , get to participate while the others cannot ____________________ or have rights .
9 ) The head of the government in a parliamentary system is the ____________________ ____________________ .
10 ) The European Union has three main purposes : to eliminate ____________________ , to ____________________ trade , and to ____________________ the ____________________ .
11 ) There are two types of democratic governments : ____________________ ( people elect the parliament only but not the head of government ) , and ____________________ ( people elect the legislature AND they elect the head of government ) .
12 ) People who live in a democracy participate in government by ____________________ .
13 ) An ____________________ is a government in which there is only one person who leads the country .
14 ) A ____________________ is a king or queen .